FORED BC has deep roots, created by volunteers and BC foresters in government, industry and NGOs in 1925. They established such programs as the Biggest Tree in BC, now maintained by UBC. Historically, FORED volunteers travelled Canada by train, teaching communities about forest fire prevention, also known as "FireSmart". Now, we are an independent, non-partisan charity that offers educational tools about the environmental, cultural and economic values of our forests and other natural resources.
FORED offers community sustainability educational resources, tools and best practices that aid public understanding of the cultural and historical role of BC's forests and other natural resources, including the important relationship of Indigenous peoples to the lands and waters. In partnership with Indigenous leaders, FORED enables lifelong learning and skills for responsible decisions that balance social, economic, and environmental benefits in natural resources management.
Become a member of FORED BC SOCIETY and join our dedicated team of givers. With your help, we’ll be able to do more and do it better. Learn more about FORED BC SOCIETY and sign up below. Our members are individuals like you. Additional support comes from the provincial government and the Vancouver Foundation.
Because we are a registered charity, you'll receive a tax deductible receipt and a certificate of sponsorship for your workplace if you so desire.
Over our long history, starting in 1925, our non-partisan work has won local, national and international awards, including recognition from the North American Association for Environmental Education. While the accolades are appreciated, we take pride in how our efforts contribute to an informed, respectful dialogue on natural resources decision making. Contact us today to learn what becoming a member really means.