The Great Bug Expedition
Activity Information:
Grade Appropriate Level: Elementary K-4
Big Idea(s):
All living things sense and respond to the environment
Plants and animals have observable features
(click on each worksheet to download PDF versions or scroll to bottom of page)
Worksheet Preview:

Students will be able to identify species of insects in their local forest.
Students will be able to speculate about the habitat's ability to meet the needs of these insects
Students will be able to record their observations
Students will be able to share their observations about living things in their local environment to help others learn about their "place"
Curricular Competencies:
​Students are expected to be able to do the following:
Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world
Make and record observations using their senses
Experience and interpret the local environment
Ask questions about familiar objects and events
Express and reflect on personal experiences of place
Local First Peoples' knowledge of the local landscape, plants and animals.
Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
Students are expected to know the following:
Biodiversity in their local environment
Characteristics and names of local plants and animals
basic needs of plants and animals
the interconnection between living and non-living things

Pre-Class Preparation:
Watch All About Insects or Introduction to Insects or, "The Next Time you See a Pillbug".
Or read in class “Next Time You See a Pillbug” by Emily Morgan or “A Pill Bugs Life by John Himmelman.
Tell students they will be going outside to do a bug investigation. They will need to bring a pencil and the above materials. The worksheets will be done over a few visits to a local stump or rotten log (adapt worksheets to ability).
Suggested Instructional Strategies:
Carefully examine the rotten log or stump for insects. Do not tear apart the rotten log as this may result in the destruction of the environment that you are studying.
Using the plastic pill vials, collect some insects in order to better study them. When you are finished examining them, return them unharmed to their natural habitat.
Compare the information on your worksheet to the insects you have collected to study.
Complete the accompanying worksheets (included below).
Photos from Pexels.

Suggested Assessment Strategies:
Experience and interpret the local environment
Compare observations with those of others
Make simple inferences based on their results and prior knowledge
Sort and classify data
Extension Activities:
B.C. Indigenous culture relies heavily on a close connection with the forest for wellbeing. Connect with local First Peoples and invite an elder or other member to share their stories of your local community and its history with students.
Physical and Health Education: Identify and describe practices that promote mental well-being. Explain how participation in outdoor activities supports connections with the community and environment.
Art Education: Experience, document and share creative works in a variety of ways. Students create an Arts and Crafts display (Bug Wall) of the various drawings from their observations and share with others. Use recycled materials/modelling clay to make a pill bug model.
Suggested Links:
Insects of BC (538 listings) (ticks, spiders, beetles, butterflies, bees etc. with photos and descriptions) or this “Bug Guide”.
Lesson Plan by: FORED BC Society