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Musical Trees Activity

Activity Information:

Grade Appropriate Level: Primary to Intermediate 

(Updated from Kids for Trees, developed by FORED BC for intermediate grades 4-7)

Big Ideas:

  • Dance, drama, music, & visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating (K-7)

  • Plants and animals have observable features

Materials: "Trees in Our Lives" worksheet (included) & tree identification books.



  • Students will be able to identify local tree species that are used in musical instruments

  • Students will be able to share and record their observations

  • Students will be able to appreciate the contribution of trees to music


Prescribed Learning Outcomes:

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Students are expected to know the following:

  • Local First Peoples uses of plants and animals

  • Characteristics of local plants, animals and fungi

  • Processes, materials, technologies, tools and techniques to support arts activities

  • Traditional and contemporary Aboriginal Arts and arts-making processes



Students are expected to be able to do the following:

  • Make and record observations using their senses

  • Experience and interpret the local environment

  • Ask questions about familiar objects and events

  • Express & reflect on personal experiences of place

  • Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world


Pre-Class Preparation:

The teacher will need to make the following preparations prior to class: make copies of the below worksheet for each group of students. Have copies of tree identification books handy to identify local tree species that could be used to make the items on the worksheet.


Suggested Instructional Strategies:

  • You will be working in small groups to complete this task.

  • Choose one person to present your ideas to the rest of the class. - Presenter

  • Choose someone else to record the group ’s ideas.  - Recorder

  • Other group members will encourage ideas and help with the group’s work.


1. With your group, discuss each item listed under the "Trees in Our Lives" worksheet. Have the Recorder place a checkmark beside each thing that someone in your group has tried or used.


2. Now look at each item your group checked off on the included worksheet. Think of places in your community where you can go to find this activity or get this product. Have the Recorder write your ideas beside each item on the lines under ‘Trees In Our Community’. (Feel free to explore online with supervision).


3. When your group is finished, help your Presenter get ready to explain your ideas to the whole class. Trees contribute to many aspects of our lives that involve music, art, literature and theatre. The following worksheet includes activities and materials that are made possible through the use of trees or tree products.


Worksheet Preview:

Musical trees worksheet preview.png


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  • Make your own musical instrument from recycled materials - CBC News.



  • Invite local First Peoples into your class to share their knowledge of how trees are used in their culture and demonstrate (eg. cedar for basket weaving, drumming)


  • Make a display showing others how trees are used.


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"Trees in our Lives"

Download the PDF version of the 

Musical Trees Activity below:

Worksheets & Activity download


(604) 737-8555

213-4481 West 10th Ave., Vancouver, BC  V6R 4R8

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© 2024 by FORED BC Society.
FORED gratefully acknowledges the current and past financial support of the Province of British Columbia, the Vancouver Foundation,
Natural Resources Canada, the EJLB Foundation and individual donors.

Any images used on this educational website are strictly used for non-commercial, complimentary educational purposes. 

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