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Here's a wide variety of sources, from government, industry, academia & non-profit groups to help you explore sustainable management of our natural resources for teaching or youth homework help. Forestry, mining, energy and more also feature the contributions of BC's Indigenous people to our province.

Website links & infographics offer factual, balanced views. The BC FOREST FACTS infographic, with statistics from a government, academic & industry group, may be downloaded in a larger format.

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Natural Resources Links: Text


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Thinking about a career in sustainable natural resources management?
Start here to explore your options with career match quizzes!
Working outside in nature is a bonus!



“In 2019, natural resource jobs paid an average of $96,280 per year. The average Canadian job paid just over $56,783. Jobs in the energy sub-sector paid the highest annual wages & salaries, at $113,691 in 2019."

Statistics Canada

“At $139,217, the average annual total compensation per job in the mining industry is almost twice the all-industry average of $72,641."

Government of Canada

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“BC’s forest sector has significantly higher paying salaries, averaging over $106,000 per year."

Council of BC Forest Industries

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© 2024 by FORED BC Society.
FORED gratefully acknowledges the current and past financial support of the Province of British Columbia, the Vancouver Foundation,
Natural Resources Canada, the EJLB Foundation and individual donors.

Any images used on this educational website are strictly used for non-commercial, complimentary educational purposes. 

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