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AGE 5-9

A variety of activities on a number of topics are both online (click titles) & downloadable in pdf below. These activities were created by teachers, volunteers and outdoor education experts for complimentary use by schools, non-profit organizations, parents and anyone who wants to help create a more sustainable future.

Youth Activities 5-9: Mission


In this activity, children observe how winged seeds travel away from trees. 

Students will be able to identify the trees their seeds come from, and record and share their observations about the living things in their environment.

Download Seed Journeys, then explore the complementary activity in A Package of Wonders.

Students will determine plants' needs, structure, and adaptations through investigations and experimentation. Students can demonstrate their knowledge of plants and the environment by writing, drawing and keeping scientific logs.

Students will explore the science of food chains in this exciting and hands-on activity! Students will learn about the connections between animal & plant physiology and the connections between an environment and the ecosystems within.

In this activity, students will use unique languages for creating and communicating through dance, drama, music & visual arts. Students will be able to identify local tree species used in instruments, share and record their observations, and appreciate the contribution of trees to their lives.

This activity introduces students to the classifications of trees and their contributions to the environment. Students will be able to identify coniferous and deciduous trees and explore forest contributions to the habitat.

Stump Sleuths encourages students to identify how tree remains are still vital to the environment. Students will identify local tree species and explore all the insects, birds, and other animals that might call this stump home.

Plants and animals have observable features and can sense and respond to the environment. In this activity, students explore local species of insects, hypothesize a habitatā€™s ability to meet the needs of these insects, and record and share their observations.

Students will contribute to a class chart displaying the variety of creatures they have observed. They will learn the difference between wild and domestic animals and develop an awareness of seasonal changes and animal habitats. Share findings with a partnering class!

Students get to challenge their creativity in this activity where they design an original insect or create a model of an existing insect. Students will speculate about the habitats of their bugs, what their predators and prey may be, and where they may fit in the food chain. This activity is a great science fair project as well!

This activity is designed to teach students more about trees and their animal friends around the world. Students will explore questions such as Whooo lives in that tree? and Where does that tree live? This activity also allows for applications to Indigenous Peoples Studies and connections to the Association of BC Forest Professionals. 

Students will read the story Log Hotel and record information in their journals, examine the process of decay and learn new vocabulary, while  working in groups.

Check out the Korean translated version!

By collecting objects from the outdoors and creating a collage, students will explore the different textures of nature. Students will learn to tell a story without using words, and describe an image and the textures shown.

Youth Activities 5-9: List
1 Seven Steps to a Seedling.png

Check out this exciting activity to learn how to grow your own seedling!

Image by Y S


Youth Activities 5-9: List

Through this activity, students will learn to describe the difference between the terms endangered/extinct, identify by name endangered birds and geographical regions they habitate, identify bird parts and sounds.Ā  They will develop an appreciation and respect for the environment and endangered species.

This activity encourages students to discuss some of the problems that ocean life faces from humans, and name some endangered species living in Canadian oceans, particularly in British Columbia. After students create ocean dioramas, students can discuss some real-life disasters (natural and human-influenced) and how they would affect their ocean environment.

Students will explore endangered species living in Canada, discuss some problems wild animals and plants face from humans, and offer solutions for possible preservation and conservation.


By participating in this activity, students will be able to identify a response to a classroom or school problem, observe, record and share their findings, and reflect on the environmental consequences of their choices.

In this lesson, students learn that electricity doesnā€™t just come from a wall outlet. Theyā€™ll learn about its origins in nature and how they can do simple acts to reduce the amount of electricity they use in their homes, such as turning off lights.

This activity is designed to teach students about our environment, its importance in our lives and how they can help to keep it clean and safe. Since water is one of the most important parts of an environment, students will discuss what they can do to ensure we have safe water in the future.

Students will learn to identify the colours of a rainbow, explore the colours in nature, and explain how a colour can make them feel. Students will also gain a literary connection through a short story about a rainbow, based upon an Indigenous legend.

By participating in a class experiment on the biodegradability of various brands of toilet paper, students will learn about science while finding a practical pollution solution they can utilize at home.

Youth Activities 5-9: List
Image by Jay Heike


These activities will help you, your school, family, and community prevent forest fires from spreading. Some simple steps can make all the difference.

Youth Activities 5-9: List

An educational resource package, which assists teachers in promoting student learning through diverse lesson plans that illustrate how homes, schools and communities can all play a role in preventing forest fire. FireEd will bring the issues and excitement of forest firefighting to your classroom.

These are the activities that go along with the FireEd manual and provide teacher assessment tools.

This illustrated guide focuses on how individuals and communities can work together to reduce the risk of loss from interface fires in Canada. It provides practical tools and information for use. FireSmart is based on the best available scientific information at the time of publication. 

- FireSmart Canada

The recommendations in this manual will help reduce the risk of wildfire near your home and neighbourhood and provide a better opportunity for firefighters to defend your home.

- FireSmart BC

Youth Activities 5-9: Files


for Students with Special Needs & Learning Difficulties


Tips and techniques provided by a VSB Student and School Support Worker

Special Needs Tools Preview
Adaptive Tools for Special Needs
Watch Now
Youth Activities 5-9: Videos
Totem Pole


Downloadable Lesson Plans Below

Youth Activities 5-9: Files

Children will gain a greater appreciation for other cultures and their ceremonies and traditions by learning about Pow Wow style dances and their connections to the environment.

Students will identify foods and activities that contribute to good health, explain the importance of diet variety, and demonstrate an awareness of BC Indigenous Peoplesā€™ diverse heritage.

This lesson teaches students about Inuit soapstone carvings andĀ helps them develop an understanding of techniques, tools and carving materials. Students will learn that the birds and animals in Inuit sculpture have their own special characters and will learn these through soap carving.

Students will learn key information about totem poles. They will learn that Indigenous Peoples carve the poles, the design meanings, and their importance in Indigenous culture. These will help them create a drawing of their own personal totem pole.

The Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMMSA) has produced the following guidelines for teaching youths about Indigenous Peoples.

The attached document provides an organized list of educational Indigenous books to entertain and educate youths.

Youth Activities 5-9: Files

An organized list of the First Nations Peoples as they are generally known today with a phonetic guide to common pronunciation. Also included are formerly given names to these groups, and the language families to which they belong.

A brief article on the origins of some Indigenous communitiesā€™ names.

Youth Activities 5-9: Files


Indigenous traditional knowledge across B.C. Download Answers from Ancestors.

Youth Activities 5-9: Files


Youth Activities 5-9: Text

First Nations in Sustainablility Careers

First Nations in Sustainablility Careers

First Nations in Sustainablility Careers
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Indigenous drummers open the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Student Awards Ceremony

Indigenous drummers open the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Student Awards Ceremony

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BC forest firefighters' in Australia

BC forest firefighters' in Australia

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What is the toughest part about your job?

What is the toughest part about your job?

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Sparking new career ideas

Sparking new career ideas

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Shared stories from Indigenous members across BC.

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© 2024 by FORED BC Society.
FORED gratefully acknowledges the current and past financial support of the Province of British Columbia, the Vancouver Foundation,
Natural Resources Canada, the EJLB Foundation and individual donors.

Any images used on this educational website are strictly used for non-commercial, complimentary educational purposes. 

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